Share Options

Share options

Now taking members for Spring 2024. Spring sharing starts March 27 and runs for 12 weeks.

PLEASE NOTE: ONLY “Cream of the Crop” shares are available for spring!

Please email Mo at or call 440-527-3893 to learn more about and order your Winter 2024 shares today!

Pick-up locations: Thursdays 3PM at our bakery on M204; Saturday at the Sara Hardy Farmers’ Market Traverse City through the end of October, then at the indoor market at the Village at Grand Traverse Commons through May.

Home delivery to select areas is also available Fridays Spring-Fall for a one-time $125 charge.

Read about our share options below! And click here for photos of previous years’ Cream of the Crop shares from Ken Scott Photography.

Cream of the Crop $445

A culinary extravaganza to say the least! The widest selection of fruits and veggies we grow are offered to “Cream of the Crop” members. Also included are specialty salad greens, eggs, and a loaf of our bread. If you love to cook and truly want to experience eating with the seasons, this share is what it is all about!

Tastes of the Garden $215

Searching for a tomato that tastes like a tomato? Or a cantaloupe that hasn’t traveled 1500 miles to be in your fruit salad? Well, look no further. Members receive a great selection of fruits, vegetables and herbs picked at the peak of ripeness and in your kitchen on the same day. P.S. Even the snozberries taste like snozberries.

The Herbivore $190

Each week you’ll receive our beautiful baby salad mix, as well as other specialty greens and fresh herbs as availability permits!

Breakin’ Bread $80

Each week you’ll receive a loaf of European style hearth bread.

Egg Share $75

From happy chickens.

Extra weekly bag of lettuce mix $72/share